Deksripsi tentang label obatDALAM BAHASA INGGRIS​

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Deksripsi tentang label obatDALAM BAHASA INGGRIS​


Launching HealthyWomen, the drug facts label is a standard label that appears on all OTC drugs approved by the FDA or the Food and Drug Administration. The label is made to show the use of the drug, who should take the medicine and how to take it safely.


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Melansir HealthyWomen, drug facts label atau label fakta obat adalah label standar yang muncul di semua obat bebas (OTC) yang disetujui oleh FDA atau Food and Drug Administration. Label dibuat untuk menunjukkan kegunaan obat, siapa yang harus minum obat tersebut dan bagaimana cara mengonsumsinya dengan aman.


Launching HealthyWomen, the drug facts label is a standard label that appears on all OTC drugs approved by the FDA or the Food and Drug Administration. The label is made to show the use of the drug, who should take the medicine and how to take it safely.

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