deskripsi hewan merpati lengkap habitat,makanan,aktivitas,karakteristik (pake bhs inggris dan terjemahan)

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deskripsi hewan merpati lengkap habitat,makanan,aktivitas,karakteristik (pake bhs inggris dan terjemahan)

Pigeon is a bird that lives in close proximity to humans for thousands of years. There are over 300 different species of pigeons that can be found throughout the world (except in the Sahara desert, on the Antarctica and Arctic). Greatest variety of pigeons exists in India, Malaysia, Asia and Australia. Pigeons inhabit woodlands, tropical rainforests, grasslands, savannas, mangrove, rocky areas and even deserts.

These birds are often kept as pets because of their beauty and intelligence. Beside large number of pigeons in the wild, hundreds of thousand pigeons live in captivity. Some species of pigeons are endangered due to habitat loss, predation and diseases

Size of pigeon depends on the species. Large pigeons can reach 19 inches in length and 8.8 pounds of weight. Small pigeons can reach 5 inches in length and up to 0.8 ounces of weight.

Pigeons can have dull or colorful plumage, depending on the habitat and type of diet. The most common type of pigeon (that lives in the cities) has grayish plumage. On average, pigeon has 10 000 feathers on the body.

Pigeons have strong muscles used for flying. They can fly at the altitude of 6000 feet.

Pigeons can move their wings ten times per second and maintain heartbeats at the rate of 600 times per minute, during the period of 16 hours.