Di bntu master2 rubah kata dlm kurung k dlm bntuk simple present.. 1.the teacher(teach)students everyday. 2.mr. wahyu(go) the office. 3.the dncer(dance)the hall

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4.water(flow) from higher to the lower. 5.my mother (not go) the marketn. 6.ramza, razan, radjni( study) together 7.​

Di bntu master2 rubah kata dlm kurung k dlm bntuk simple present.. 1.the teacher(teach)students everyday. 2.mr. wahyu(go) the office. 3.the dncer(dance)the hall

Jawaban:1. Teaches

2. Goes

3. Dances in the hall

4. Flows

5. Doesn't go

6. Study

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1. teaching

2. goes

3. dancing in

4. flowing

5. can't go to

6. studying