Di sini adalah karakteristik orang yang dapat anda temukan di ruang kelas Anda

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1. lamban
2. buruk, jahat
3. baik hati
4. egois
5. Ramah
6. disiplin
7. malas
8. sabar
9. perhatian
10. peduli
11. pemalu
12. jujur
13. pemarah
14. Baik laku budiman
15. ceroboh
16. sedih
17. bahagia
18. tepat waktu
19. Acuh
20. terbuka

Tolong bantu jawab ya kak pakai bahasa Inggris

Di sini adalah karakteristik orang yang dapat anda temukan di ruang kelas Anda

Here are the characteristics of people you can see in your classroom

1. slow

2. bad

3. kind

4. selfish

5. Friendly

6. discipline

7. Lazy

8. patient

9. attentive

10. care

11. shy

12. honest

13. angry

14. good behavior

15. careless

16. sad

17. happy

18. on time

19. ignore

20. open minded

Here are the characteristic of people you can see in your classroom
1. slow
2. bad
3. kind
4. selfish
5. friendly
6. dicipline
7. lazy
8. patient
9. attentive
11. shy
12. honest
13. angry
14. good behavior
15. careless
16. sad
17. happy
18. on time
19. ignore
20. open minded