Dialog 2

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Tania : Our project is to interview one of our math teachers. [6. Make] _________ you
Dharmanto : I [7. contact] ___________ Mr. Djoko two days ago. He [8. say] _______
That he couldn't. He will go to pamekasan, Madura, this weekend.
Tania : I see. What about Ms. susi?
Dharmanto : Well, ardhi [9. already make] _____________ an appointment with her,
so we cannot interview her. Well, our last chance is to interview
Mrs. Riska. please contact her. She is your aunt, right?
Tania : Right. l'll meet her at the second break.
Dharmanto : Hope she is willing to be interviewed.
Tania : I hope so. In the meantime, we should develod questions for the interview,
because she teaches math for bilingual classes.
Dharmanto : I [10. get] _________ it. Leave it to me.
Tania : All right then.

bantu jawab yaaa hari senin dikumpul nihh:)

Dialog 2


6. [Made for]

7. [Contacted]

8. [Says]

9. [ Had already made ]

10. [Got]


Semoga membantu :3

Kalau salah maaf yaahhh