Digulis park or taman digulis is one of the most favourite destinations in Pontianak city. Digulis park was inaugurated on December 31, 2016 by the mayor of Pontianak. It is located in the middle of Pontianak city. The location of this park is adjacent to the digulis monument. Digulis park is the best place to refresh your mind from the fatigue of faily activities. This park was made as a place for people who want to relax, spend their free time, exercise and also enjoy their time with their families, friends or partners. It can also be used as a place to find inspiration, ideas, or just take pictures

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tolong cek teks di atas, about grammar atau vocab dan hal2 yang harus saya perbaiki

Digulis park or taman digulis is one of the most favourite destinations in Pontianak city. Digulis park was inaugurated on December 31, 2016 by the mayor of Pontianak. It is located in the middle of Pontianak city. The location of this park is adjacent to the digulis monument. Digulis park is the best place to refresh your mind from the fatigue of faily activities. This park was made as a place for people who want to relax, spend their free time, exercise and also enjoy their time with their families, friends or partners. It can also be used as a place to find inspiration, ideas, or just take pictures

kayaknya sih udah bener tpi menurut saya kata adjacent itu lebih cocok diganti sama near deh walaupun artinya sama tapi keliatannya lebih cocok kalo yg dipake near soalnya near itu lebih familiar/sering di dengar dibandingkan adjacent

*cuma saran