Doa sebelum pelajaran pake bahasa Inggris dansesudah pelajaran​

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Doa sebelum pelajaran pake bahasa Inggris dansesudah pelajaran​


Cara memimpin doa sebelum pelajaran

Stand up please!

Before we start to study about the major today, lest's pray togei to God.

Praying start it!

.....(praying for a while)

Praying enough!

Give the greeting for our teacher!

......(greeting:salam/good morning,etc.)

Cara memimpin doa sesudah pelajaran

Stand up, please!

Before we go home, let's pray together.

Praying start!

....(praying for a while)

Praying enough!

Greet to teacher!

Sit down, please!

Semoga membantu, terimakasih:)