Drago is a blue dragonfly. He has

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big transparent wings and loves to
fly. He lives near a pond. His wings
are strong, so Drago can fly very fast
and far from his home. Drago has
mosquitoes for dinner.
1. Where is Drago?
Circle the picture of Drago.
2. True or false?
. There is a lot of water where Drogo lives
– Drago never flies far from home
• Drago eos insects
• Drago's wings ore big and transparen!
Drago Mies not too fast
• Drago mokes dinner for mosquitoes
3. What color is Drago? Circle the right color.
4. Who lives near Drago? Circle the right picture or pictures.
5. What does Drago like to eat? Circle the right picture.​

Drago is a blue dragonfly. He has


1. lingkarin deket kolam karena pond itu artinya kolam

2. true, false, true, true, false, false

3. blue color

4. mosquito? (maaf ya kalo salah saya gk tau potonya yg mana)

5. mosquitoes
