DURCUMare your answers with

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your friends.
should have told
should take care
should be ordering
should stop consurring
should start eating
should have known
Sources humppu-uploads prod.
ammon .com/bloxwp-
choice 16000
(March 12, 2016)
Fery and Ryan are having lunch together in the school
Fery : Yan, don't you think you"
_ some of
those high-calorie foods?
Ryan : What do you mean, Fery? Everyone eats burger
and drink coke.
Fery : Yeah, but those food are very bad for your health.
It causes obesity and increase the level of your
Ryan : Really? You
me before.
Fery : You
this you know.
Ryan : Fine. I'll change my diet.
Fery : Good, you
healthy food by now.
Ryan : You are right. We
_of our own health.
I think)
bread and fruit salad.
Fery : Don't forget the mineral water,
Ryan : Okay. Thanks.
As a part of
community, we cannot
live alone, we need
help and support from
people around us. We
have to be good and
respect one another
in order to live in

DURCUMare your answers with

Fery : Yan, don't you think you (should stop eatting) some of

those high-calorie foods?


Fery: Yan. tidakkah kamu berpikir kamu (seharusnya berhenti makan) makanan tinggi kalori itu?

Ryan : What do you mean, Fery? Everyone eats burger and drink coke.

Fery : Yeah, but those food are very bad for your health. It causes obesity and increase the level of your cholesterol.

Ryan : Really? You (should have told)

me before.


Ryan: Benarkah? (Harusnya kamu mengatakannya) padaku sebelumnya.

Fery : You (should have known) this you know.


Fery : Kamu (seharusnya sudah tahu) tentang ini

Ryan : Fine. I'll change my diet.


(Baiklah. Aku akan mengubah dietku)

Fery : Good, you (should start eating)

healthy food by now.


Fery: Bagus, kamu (harus mulai makan) makanan sehat sekarang.

Ryan : You are right. We should (take care) of our own health.

I think I (should be ordering) bread and fruit salad.


Ryan: Kamu benar kita (harus menjaga) kesehatan kita sendiri. Kupikir (aku harus memesan) roti dan salad.