EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Kendari JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 4 KENDARI Jl.A.Yani 123 , February 7, 2012 Number: 132/YP-UI/SMPN-04/XIII/2008 Appendix: – Subject: Invitation OSIS to Headmaster Junior High School 4 Good day, With the end of the academic year 2010/2011, we as a council SMPN 4 kendari will implement the new student council elections for the academic year 2011/2012. Please note OSIS is the most important student organization at school, for which we expect the presence of the headmaster Mr chairman of this organization. The election will be held on: Day, date: Friday, February 10, 2012 Time: At 10:00 AM Place in the Hall School In this regard, we are very happy if the headmaster is pleased to present the election. Similarly, we convey the invitation, you for your attention thanks. OSIS Capten  (2010/2011), Muh. Syawalluddin M.

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Bagaimana ya cara membalas surat ini jika guru bisa datang dalam acara ini.

EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Kendari JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 4 KENDARI Jl.A.Yani 123 , February 7, 2012 Number: 132/YP-UI/SMPN-04/XIII/2008 Appendix: – Subject: Invitation OSIS to Headmaster Junior High School 4 Good day, With the end of the academic year 2010/2011, we as a council SMPN 4 kendari will implement the new student council elections for the academic year 2011/2012. Please note OSIS is the most important student organization at school, for which we expect the presence of the headmaster Mr chairman of this organization. The election will be held on: Day, date: Friday, February 10, 2012 Time: At 10:00 AM Place in the Hall School In this regard, we are very happy if the headmaster is pleased to present the election. Similarly, we convey the invitation, you for your attention thanks. OSIS Capten  (2010/2011), Muh. Syawalluddin M.

JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL 4 KENDARI Jl.A Yani 123 7 Februari 2012 Nomor: 132 / YP-UI SMPN-O4 / XIII / 2008 Lampiran: Perihal: Undangan OSIS ke Sekolah Menengah Pertama Kepala Sekolah 4 Selamat siang, Dengan berakhirnya tahun ajaran 2010/2011, kita sebagai dewan SMPN 4 kendari akan melaksanakan seleksi dewan mahasiswa baru untuk tahun ajaran 2011/2012. Harap dicatat bahwa OSIS adalah organisasi kemahasiswaan terpenting di sekolah, yang mana kami mengharapkan kehadiran kepala sekolah Bapak Ketua organisasi ini. Pemilihan akan diadakan pada: Hari, tanggal: Jumat, 10 Februari 2012 Waktu: Pukul 10.00 pagi Tempat di Sekolah Hall Dalam hal ini, kami sangat senang jika kepala sekolah senang mempresentasikan pemilihan. Demikian pula kami sampaikan undangan, terima kasih atas perhatiannya. OSIS Capten (2010/2011, Muh. Syawalluddin M. Bagaimana ya cara membalas surat ini jika guru bisa datang dalam acara ini. Terimakasih