Emily : Excause me, Malla. Are you busy at the moment?

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Malla : Hi, Emily. No, i'm not busy. What can i do for you?

Emily : You know, i shot a panorama last Sunday. Here it is. What is your opinion?

Malla : Hmm… it's fantastic! I think you only need to pay more attention to the horizon. Do you know what I mean?

Emily : Yes, the horizon should be a straight line, not a bit skewed.

Malla : That's what i mean. By the way, what panorama is it?

Emily : It's a hill not far from my uncle's house.

Malla : Really? Why didn't you ask me to join?

Emily : Sorry. Well, I'll invite you next time.

Malla : Thanks.

~~ Question ~~

1. Emily asks, "What is your opinion?"
What does she express?

2. What does Malla say to state her opinion?

Tolong bantuin, saya kurang faham sama pertanyaannya, makasih

Emily : Excause me, Malla. Are you busy at the moment?

1. Emily shows interest on Malla's opinion on her shot of panorama

2. Malla thought that Emily's work was fantastic