English score

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Alya 90, Resti 80, Angga 80, Dion 70
Make comparison degree based on English score above!

English score


Dion english score is lowest than the others


nilai bahasa inggris dion paling rendah diantara siswa yg lain


1. Alya's score is the highest.

2. Dion' s score is the lowest.

3. Resti's score is as same as Angga's score.

4. Alya's score is higher than Resti's score.

5. Angga's score is lower than Alya's score.

6. Dion's score is lower than Angga's score.

7. Resti's score is higher than Dion's score.

8. Alya's score is higher than Dion's score.

9. Alya's score is high.

10. Dion's score is low.


Comparation degree

1. Positive degree ( Biasa ) Tidak ada perubahan dari kosa kata sifat awal.

Contoh : no. 9 dan 10 ( Adjective yang dipakai = High, Low)

2. Positive degree with comparation ( Dipakai jika 2 hal yang dibandingkan bernilai sama ). Ciri = as …. as. Tidak perubahan kosa kata sifat awal.

Contoh no. 3 (Adjective yang dipakai =same )

3. Comparative ( Dipakai jika 2 gal yang dibandingkan berbeda). Ciri = ….er atau more ….

Contoh no.4, 5, 6, 7, 8. (Adjective yang dipakai = high > higher, low > lower )

4. Superlative (Dipakai untuk menunjukkan nilai yang paling besar atau paling tinggi). Ciri = …est atau most..

Contoh no. 1 dan 2. ( Adjective yang dipakai = high > highest, low > lowest )