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hoge AB Card for the con
The following dialog for questions 1 to 4
Nova Emily, what did you do cunng your hoiday
Emilly seyed at home. What about you?
Poval stayed at home too studied the materiais
That is good. I can see that you are really
ready to have a class today.
NovaSure, I have prepared twell Anyway, what
did you do during holiday?
Emily I helped my lamer pain our house
Move Thats a good deed. What color did you
Emily Green 's similar to the old one because
Norai : I see
Where did the dialog take place?
A As the school.
8. At Emy's house.
C. A Nova's house.
On their way home.
2 What is Nova Eke?
A Kind.
B. Humble
C Digert.
D Generous.
From the dialog we know that
A Emily repainted her house
B Noval helped his father at home
C Emily and Noval spent the holiday together
Noval and Emby painted their houses
4. Noval says, What color did you choose?
What is the synonym of choose"?
A Buy
e Take
On her way, Alya sas a little boy crying She
approached the little boy and asked what was wrong.
The boy told her that he lost his mother. Taking a pity.
Alya took the boy to the security office and the
security officer made an announcement.
Moments later, the boy's mother arrived. The
ittle boy yelled happilly. The woman said thanks to
Aha. She gave Aha a book about teenagers
personalty she had just bought
5. Where was Alya going?
A to a library.
B. To an office.
To a book fair.
To a book store
€. Why did the little boy cry?
A He lost his book
B. He lost his money,
C. He lost his mother.
D. He lost his father.
7. What did Alya do for the little boy?
She left him at the stand.
She looked for his mother.
C. She treated him at the cate,
D. She took him to the security office.
8. What did Alya receive as a reward?
A A book
В A comic.
C Stationery
D A magazine
The following dialog is for questions 9 to 12.
Denias: Erin, this is your book. Thank you. I went
to your home to return it yesterday, but no
one was at home.
Erin You're welcome. Yesterday my family and
1 fetched my uncle from the hospital after
hospitalizing for a week.
Denias : lam sorry to hear that. What happened to
D Decide
The following text is for questions 5 to 8.
One Sunday morning. Alya was going to a book
fair. It was the last day of the fair so Alya insisted on
going She intended on buying several books.
The fair was very crowded. Alya had to queue to
buy the entrance Ecket. After receiving the ticket, she
walked towards the stand selling popular books.
Erlin : He got an accident in front of his office
and his left leg was broken.
Denias : How did it happen?
Erlin : He crossed the road when the traffic light
was red, but suddenly a car hit him. The
car had trouble with the brake.
Denias : I see. I hope he recover soon.
Erlin : Thanks
