nle : Andi is handsome. Dika is handen
Answer : Both Andi and Dika are har
and Dika are handsome.
best friend love reading comic.
ing exercise, I feel tired. After doing exercise.
I love reading comic. My best friend love
Gita has white shoes. Gita has gold shoes
After doing exercise, I feel tired. A
feel thirsty.
mom sells curry soup at the market. My mom sells
My mom sells curry soup
chicken porridge at the market.
Anita is beautiful. Anita is cheerful.
Natasha is afraid of mouse. Natasha is afraid of cockroach
My mom prepares breakfast every morning. My mom
prepares home packed lunch every morning.
Example : Andi is han
Correlative conjunction adalah kata hubung yang selalu berpasangan.
Combine the two sentences using both … and …
1. Andi is handsome. Dika is handsome.
Answer: Both Andi dan Dika are handsome
2. I love reading comic. My best friend loves reading comic
Answer: Both my best friend and I love reading comic
3. Gita has white shoes. Gita has gold shoes
Answer: Gita has white and gold shoes
4. After doing exercise, I feel tired. After doing exercise, I feel thirsty.
Answer: After doing exercise, I feel both tired and thirsty
5. My mom sells curry soup at the market. My mom sells chicken porridge at the market.
Answer: My mom sells both curry soup and chicken porridge at the market
6. Anita is beautiful. Anita is cheerful.
Answer: Anita is both beautiful and cheerful
7. Natasha is afraid of mouse. Natasha is afraid of cockroach
Answer: Natasha is afraid of both mouse and cockroach
8. My mom prepares breakfast every morning. My mom prepares home packed lunch every morning.
Answer: My mom prepares both breakfast and home packed lunch every morning
Penggunaan both .. and .. berfungsi menyeimbangkan kelas kata dalam kalimat kompleks agar berada pada struktur yang sama. Persamaan kelas kata diterapkan saat ada beberapa kata kerja, kata benda, atau kata sifat dalam satu kalimat. Misalkan, kata kerja harus dalam bentuk yang sama, gerund, atau infinitive. Kesetaraan kalimat juga harus dalam posisi yang sama, baik sebagai subjek, predikat, atau objek.
- Both my family and I will go vacation next week (kesetaraan sebagai subjek)
- Both the daughter and the son are teenagers (kesetaraan sebagai subjek)
- She collects both fiction novels and non fiction books (kesetaraan sebagai objek)
- He is a handsome and smart guy (kesetaraan sebagai adjektif)
Pelajari lebih lanjut
- Kalimat correlative conjunction both .. and …
- Fill the blank correlative conjunction
Detil jawaban
Kelas: 10
Mapel: Bahasa Inggris
Bab: Correlative conjunction
Kode: 10.5.3
Kata Kunci: Correlative conjunction, Both … and …