Exercise about gerund

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please fill the black spaces with the suitable verb ing.
1. it was cold and raing
yesterday, so we postponed……..the botanical gardens.
2. the porte,s house is to small they,re considering…… a bigger house.
3. we discussed……. Colorado for our vacation.
4. wher martha finished …. the floor, she dusted the farniture.
5. sometimes students put off ….. their homework.
6. we had a blizzard yesterday, but it finally stoppe ….. around te p.m.
7. l quit …. camic books when l was twelve years old.
8. l,m the tihinking about ….. a biology couse next semester.
9. both doens,t like her job she,s talking about ….. a different job.
10. l enjoy ….. sports
11. l'm considering….. new York city.
12. a: are you listening
b: yes keepb…l'm listening.
13: a : do you want to take a break.
b: no l'm not tired yed let's keep on….. for another hour or so.
14. a: would you mind …. the window ?
b: not at all , l'd be glad to.
15. a: l didn't understand what your said would you mind……?
b : of course not. I said “ three free tres”.​

Exercise about gerund


exercise about gerund

please fill the black spaces with the suitable verb ing.

1. it was cold and raing

yesterday, so we postponed……..the botanical gardens.

2. the porte,s house is to small they,re considering…… a bigger house.

3. we discussed……. Colorado for our vacation.

4. wher martha finished …. the floor, she dusted the farniture.

5. sometimes students put off ….. their homework.

6. we had a blizzard yesterday, but it finally stoppe ….. around te p.m.

7. l quit …. camic books when l was twelve years old.

8. l,m the tihinking about ….. a biology couse next semester.

9. both doens,t like her job she,s talking about ….. a different job.

10. l enjoy ….. sports

11. l'm considering….. new York city.

12. a: are you listening

b: yes keepb…l'm listening.

13: a : do you want to take a break.

b: no l'm not tired yed mq