Explain 2 endangered animals in Indonesia!
1. Java Rhino :
Adult males have a single horn and females have none, unlike the two-horned African and Sumatran rhinos. Once common in Southeast Asia, they now exist only in Ujung Kulon National Park on the southwestern tip of Java. This tiny habitat leaves them susceptible to disease, in-breeding and the threat of natural disasters. They have long been hunted as big-game trophies and poached for their small horns, which are prized in China as an aphrodisiac by stupid men with flaccid penises. No poaching reported since the 1990s.
2.Sumatran Rhino : The world’s smallest rhino species. Known for their two horns and hairy bodies, they once occupied vast areas of East Asia but are now confined to a few pockets of Sumatra and Kalimantan. Deforestation and poaching are driving them to extinction.