Febianto : “Hello Andik. It’s Febianto. I just received the invitation to your party. Can you make it, Andik?”.

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Andik : "Well, (1) …. It's next Saturday night, 8:00 pm, at my home in Sangga Bhuana |
Building, right?"

Febianto :"(2) …. I hope you can come?"

Andik : "It would be (3) …. Can I bring anything?"

Febianto :"(4) …."

Andik : "Ok, I'll be there. I am (5) … to it. Thanks."

Febianto : "Bye."

Andik :"(6) … then."

Febianto :"(7) …."

Andik : "Hi, (8) …. Glad to see you."

Febianto : "(inside) Thanks for inviting me. I brought (9) …."

Andik : "Oh, (10) ….".

a. looking forward
b. hello
c. some cakes
d. let's see
e. my pleasure
f. see you
g. come in
h. how nice
i. that's right
j. just yourself

Febianto : “Hello Andik. It’s Febianto. I just received the invitation to your party. Can you make it, Andik?”.

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

Febianto : "Hello Andik. It's Febianto. I just received the invitation to your party. Can you make it, Andik?".

Andik : "Well, (1) let's see. It's next Saturday night, 8:00 pm, at my home in Sangga Bhuana Building, right?"

Febianto :"(2) That's right. I hope you can come?"

Andik : "It would be (3) my pleasure. Can I bring anything?"

Febianto :"(4) just yourself"

Andik : "Ok, I'll be there. I am (5) looking forward to it. Thanks."

Febianto : "Bye."

Andik :"(6) See you then."

Febianto :"(7) Hello."

Andik : "Hi, (8) come in. Glad to see you."

Febianto : "(inside) Thanks for inviting me. I brought (9) some cakes"

Andik : "Oh, (10) how nice."


Febianto : "Hello Andik. It's Febianto. I just received the invitation to your party. Can you make it, Andik?".

Halo, Andik. Ini Febianto. Aku baru saja mendapatkan undangan atas pestamu. Bisakah kamu datang?

Andik : "Well, (1) let's see. It's next Saturday night, 8:00 pm, at my home in Sangga Bhuana Building, right?"

Baik, mari lihat. Ini sabtu malam, pukul 8:00 di rumahku di  gedung Sangga Bhuana, bukan?

Febianto :"(2) That's right. I hope you can come?"

Ya benar, aku harap kamu bisa datang.

Andik : "It would be (3) my pleasure. Can I bring anything?"

Dengan senang hati. Bisakah aku membawa apa saja?

Febianto :"(4) just yourself"

Bawa dirimu saja

Andik : "Ok, I'll be there. I am (5) looking forward to it. Thanks."

OK, aku akan kesana. Aku menantikannya. Terima kasih

Febianto : "Bye."

Sampai jumpa

Andik :"(6) See you then."

Sampai juga

Febianto :"(7) Hello."


Andik : "Hi, (8) come in. Glad to see you."

Hai, masuklah. Senang bertemu denganmu

Febianto : "(inside) Thanks for inviting me. I brought (9) some cakes"

(Masuk) Terima kasih sudah mengundangku. Aku membawa beberapa kue

Andik : "Oh, (10) how nice."

Oh, baik sekali.

Pelajari lebih lanjut

  1. Contoh dialog invitation brainly.co.id/tugas/177873
  2. Percakapan invitation brainly.co.id/tugas/110750


Detil jawaban

Kelas: 10

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Bab: Invitation

Kode: 10.5.1

Kata Kunci: Invitation, Dialog, Fill the blank