Isilah titik titik dengan kata sifat yang menyatakan milik : my /your/his/her/our/their/its/ diikuti kata benda/noun/
Example:This is………../.bukuku/.
This is my book.
1. That is ……………../pensilmu./
2. These are …………../tas tas kalian/.
3. Kemejanya/lk / is black
4. Blousenya/pr/ ………… red.
5. Mobil kami………… in the garage.
6. Pakaian pakaian seragam mereka …………are white
and blue.
Fill in the blanks with possessive adjective !
- This is Your Pencil
- These are We Bags
- He shirt is black
- Maaf saya tidak tahu
- we car is in Garage
- They Clothes Are white and blue