Fill in the blanks with possessive adjective !

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Isilah titik titik dengan kata sifat yang menyatakan milik : my /your/his/her/our/their/its/ diikuti kata benda/noun/
Example:This is………../.bukuku/.
This is my book.

1. That is ……………../pensilmu./
2. These are …………../tas tas kalian/.
3. Kemejanya/lk / is black
4. Blousenya/pr/ ………… red.
5. Mobil kami………… in the garage.
6. Pakaian pakaian seragam mereka …………are white
and blue.

Fill in the blanks with possessive adjective !


  1. This is Your Pencil
  2. These are We Bags
  3. He shirt is black
  4. Maaf saya tidak tahu
  5. we car is in Garage
  6. They Clothes Are white and blue