Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parentheses

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a. I wish I ……. (finish) my term paper last week
b. I hope I …… (finish) my homework before 6 p.m.
c. John hasn't received his test scores yet, but he hopes he …… (do) well on the TOEFL
d. Hannah got a C on her last chemistry exam. She wishes she ….. (do) better

For e-j, use "would" or "could" plus the corret form of the verb
e. I wish someone …… (close) the window
f. Joko wishes he ….. (speak) English
g. I wish I …… (go) with you to Museum National, but I have to study
h. Andrea wishes her daughter ……… (clean) up her room instead of always going out with her friends
i. Hiro wishes his roommate ….. (stay) in the U.S. for another year
j. John wished he ……. (go) to Linda's party last weekend

Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parentheses

E. would
f. could
g. could
h. would
i. could
j. could