Fill the blanks with the appropiate adjectives example:

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sunny get first rank in the class, she is smart
a. I alwasy wake up earlier,and help my mother I am…..

b. hendery never take a bath in the morning, he is….
tolong dijawab cepet mksihh

Fill the blanks with the appropiate adjectives example:


A. I alwasy wake up earlier,and help my mother Cook.

( Saya selalu bangun lebih awal, dan membantu ibu saya Memasak ).

B. Hendery never took a shower in the morning, because Hendry was lazy to take a shower and was afraid of being late for school.

( Hendery tidak pernah mandi pagi, karena Hendry malas mandi dan takut telat kesekolah ).


Semoga membantu 😉


A. diligent (rajin)

B. dirty (jorok) / lazy (pemalas)