Find out 50 words / verbs and make sentences

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Find out 50 words / verbs and make sentences

Ini aku sebutin verb nya + sentence ( yg ini cm aku tulis verb 1 nya aja soalnya gk disebut in minta verb 1/2/3 ) :
1 . sleep = i will go to sleep at 9.00 pm
2. close = hendri his eyes
3. help = dinda want to help her mom to go to
the store
4. bring = rani bring her books
5. wrap = Dita wrap a gift for tina
6.steal = tita steal a cookies
7. catch = rino catch a fish
8. sing = Eni sing a song with her friend
9. write = ronal write an announcement
10. type = rasmi type a letter
11. ride
12. read
13. invite
14. put
15. see
16. take
17. hit
18. teach
19. buy
20. wash
21. sell
22. tell
24. make
25. pull
26. visit
27. sit
28. wait
29. choose
30. sweep
31. break
32. spend
33. shake
34. drive
35. fall
36. leave
37. hear
38. get
39. hide
40. pay
41. touch
42. swear
43. meet
44. hold
45. study
46. swim
47. catch
48. lend
49. try
50. jump
ya seperti itulah , maaf gk bisa full isi jwb an nyata…. masih byk PR