Find out and write down The Simple Present Continous Tense in the paragraph!

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(Temukan dan tulislah kalimat simple present tense pada paragraph berikut!)

Hello my name is Rico. And now I am going to invite you to follow my daily activity.
I woke up at 5 am this morning. And now I am ready to go to school.
It is at 6 am now. I am sitting at the bus stop to catch the bus.
I arrive at 6.30 and right now I am listening to the teacher’s explanation about algebra.
It is at 10 am now, and it is a break time. I am at the canteen. And I am drinking a glass of orange juice.
At 12.30 I am doing the assignment for the last lesson.
At this time 14.00, I am on the bus on my way home. I arrived home at 1 am, after that I cleaned up my face.
Right now I am watching my favorite TV program while eating my lunch. I need to take some rest because I am going to play football with my friends at 3.30 this afternoon.
I am at the field. My friends are already playing the football and I am doing some stretching to prepare myself for the match.
At 5 pm, I took a bath. And now I am gathering with my family. We are talking about our activity today.
At 9 pm, I am going to bed. But before sleeping, I am listening to the music, because I cannot sleep without listening to the music.​

Find out and write down The Simple Present Continous Tense in the paragraph!

  • And now I am going to invite you to follow my daily activity.
  • I am sitting at the bus stop to catch the bus.
  • and right now I am listening to the teacher’s explanation about algebra.
  • And I am drinking a glass of orange juice.
  • At 12.30 I am doing the assignment...
  • Right now I am watching my favorite TV program...
  • …because I am going to play football with my friends
  • My friends are already playing the football and I am doing some stretching to prepare myself for the match.
  • And now I am gathering with my family. We are talking about our activity today.
  • At 9 pm, I am going to bed. But before sleeping, I am listening to the music, because I cannot sleep without listening to the music.