Find out the meaning of explanation text, generic structures, language feautures

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Find out the meaning of explanation text, generic structures, language feautures

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Explanation text is a kind of the in which tells about the process or the way something works or is made.

The social function of explanation text:

To explain the process of how something works or how something is made to the readers.

The generic structure of explanation text:

– General statement

This part explains the general introduction of something that will be explained more in the next part.

– Sequenced of explanation

This part contains an explanation of why and how something works or is happened.

Language feature:

– Using simple present tense

Simple present tense is used to indicate an action which happens in present time, daily routine, or general truth. The explanation text uses simple present tense because it tells about a process how something works or is made. This process can be counted as general truth because it really happens based on the fact.

– Using chronological connectives, such as first, next, etc.

The explanation text uses chronological connectives because it tells the progress or sequence of how something works or is made.

– Using passive voice

The passive voice is often used in the explanation text because tells how something works or is made. It means the focus of the text is what happens to the object, not the subject.

– Using action verbs

Actions verbs is the verb which expresses physical or mental activity. Because The explanation text tells how something works or is made, it involves physical or mental activity. Example of action verb: heat, think, ride, and call.

I hope the explanation is clear enough. In addition, you can see examples of the explanation text in the links below.

Detil tambahan:

Kelas: SMA

Pelajaran: Bahasa inggris

Kategori: Explanation text