Followings are the social function of song, except …

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A. To inspire the listener
B. To express the feeling of the songwriter
C. To teach a lesson to the listeners
D. To tell experience​

Followings are the social function of song, except …

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The song have several social functions, except A. To inspire the listener. It cause a song is created not to inspire listeners but only a tone or melody that usually inspires someone.


Song is the art of tone or sound in sequence, combination and temporal relationship which is usually accompanied by a musical instrument. The song is also a work of sound art that comes from the components of a musical instrument and is accompanied by song lyrics sung by the vocalist.

Songs created by a songwriter or sung by a singer's goal is to convey a message as well express what the songwriter feels and sees singer of the song. The message conveyed by the song can be found by listening to the lyrics or by viewing the visualization of the video clip.

songs have several social functions, including:

a.   To entertain the listeners

b.   To teach moral value through the lyrics of the songs

c.   To provide a way of managing the relationship between our public and private emotional life

d.   To express personal feeling and cultural values

e.   To give someone to not only shares their emotions with others, but also to have an emotional connection that just can’t be experienced in any other way

Based on the explanation above, options B, C, D are functions of a song, while option A is not a function of a song

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Kelas: SMA-11

Mapel: English

Bab: Bab 7 – Understanding the context (from the song/ poem)

Kode: 11.5.7

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