For numbers 4 and 5 complete the following dialogue. Mona : Hello, Ayu. … (4) is Rossy. Ayu : Hello, Rossy. Nice to meet you. Rossy : Hello, Ayu. … (5), too. 5 : How old are you? Steve : … 13 years old. 7. My uncle’s daughter is my .. : Thanks for the candy. 6. Susi . 8. Fani Olive: …. 9. I smell food with my …. 10. Erna : Sorry for losing your pen. Alan:..​

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For numbers 4 and 5 complete the following dialogue. Mona : Hello, Ayu. … (4) is Rossy. Ayu : Hello, Rossy. Nice to meet you. Rossy : Hello, Ayu. … (5), too. 5 : How old are you? Steve : … 13 years old. 7. My uncle’s daughter is my .. : Thanks for the candy. 6. Susi . 8. Fani Olive: …. 9. I smell food with my …. 10. Erna : Sorry for losing your pen. Alan:..​


4. this

5. nice to meet you

6. I am

7. cousin

8. (don't mention it)

9. nose

10. that's okay


smg mmbntu