For questions 16 to 19, choose the correct words

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to complete the following texta
Mechanical harvesting of pecans occurs in fall
between October and December after hulls have
started to dehisce. A hydraulic shaker is used 10
shake each tree to dislodge nuts. Shakers
(16) ___ __ have padded arms which ciamo to
tree trunks. Nuts are mechanically swept into
Windrows, where they (17)
a mechanical harvester. The hulls are then
from outs at a huiling facility
After hulling, nuts are typically dried to 4%
kernel moisture ar 75°F, with relative humidity below
60% and moderate air flow. Pecan nuts can
for to one year af 32 to 34'F.
Nuts should be frozen if they are stored longer than
one year.

16. A gradually be B. rapidly
C. previously. D. typically
Estraight long
8. are picked up
D. is picked up
17. A pick up
c are picking up
E being picked up
18. A. used
39. A. storo
be stored
been stored
6. mixed
B. are stored
D. be storing​

For questions 16 to 19, choose the correct words


16. Typically

17. Are picked up

18. Separated

19. Be stored