Receptionist : Thank you for calling the Orchid Restaurant. May I help you?
Hidayatulloh : I’d like to make reservation.
Receptionist : When will it be for, Sir?
Hidayatulloh : It’s for Friday, March 8, 2019.
Receptionist : ….(2)…
Hidayatulloh : There will be seven of us.
Receptionist : And the name for the reservation?
Hidayatulloh : Hidayatulloh. Ahmad Hidayatulloh.
Receptionist : Okay. Let me repeat the information I have. This is a reservation for
March 8, for seven persons.
Hidayatulloh : Yes, that’s right.
Receptionist : Anything else?
Hidayatulloh : …(3)….
Receptionist : No problem. Our restaurant is non-smoking.
For questions 2 and 3, complete the following conversation by giving appropriate
Reception :How many persons wiil attend?
No more but. I will call you if I have another order, by the way, Is there any smoke area here?