Good afternoon, fellows.

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May I introduce myself? My name is Thomas Sheppard. Just call me Tommy. I was born in Finland, but my parents moved to USA when I was young, so I'm an American. I speak both English and Finnish. I come to Indonesia to learn about the culture because I like dancing traditional dances. I dream to be a professional dancer one day. I live in Solo, a small town southward Yogyakarta. I'm glad to know you all and hope that I can get help from you especially in Indonesian. Thank you.
Answer the questions based on the passage above!

Who is introducing himself?
Where do his parents live?
Does he speak Irish?
What does he do in Indonesia?
Why does he like dancing traditional dance?
6 Mention the traditional dances that come from Solo ?
What does he expect from his new friends?
Complete these sentence using suitable pronoun (Subject Pronoun, Object Pronoun, Possesive Adjective, or Possesive Pronoun}

Good afternoon, fellows.

bahasa Indonesia:

Selamat siang, teman-teman.

Bolehkah saya memperkenalkan diri Nama saya Thomas Sheppard. Panggil saja aku Tommy. Saya lahir di Finlandia, tetapi orang tua saya pindah ke AS ketika saya masih muda, jadi saya orang Amerika. Saya berbicara keduanya Inggris dan Finlandia. Saya datang ke Indonesia untuk belajar tentang budaya karena saya suka menari tarian tradisional. Saya bermimpi menjadi penari profesional suatu hari nanti. Saya tinggal di Solo, kota kecil di selatan Yogya Saya senang mengenal Anda semua dan berharap bisa mendapatkan bantuan dari Anda khususnya dalam bahasa Indonesia. Terima kasih.

Jawab pertanyaan berdasarkan perikop di atas!

-Siapa yang memperkenalkan dirinya?

-Dimana orang tuanya tinggal?

-Apakah dia berbicara bahasa Irlandia?

-Apa yang dia lakukan di Indonesia?

-Kenapa dia suka menari tarian tradisional?

-6 Sebutkan tarian tradisional yang berasal dari Solo?

-Apa yang dia harapkan dari teman-teman barunya?

Lengkapi kalimat ini menggunakan kata ganti yang sesuai (Kata Ganti Subjek, Kata Ganti Objek, Kata Sifat Possesif, atau Kata Ganti Possesif}

-yang memperkenalkan diri adalah Thomas Shepard

-tempat tinggal orang tuanya di AS

-dia bisa berbicara bahasa Irlandia

-dia ke Indonesia karena dia suka menari tarian tradisional.

-karena dia bermimpi menjadi penari profesional suatu hari nanti.

-6 tarian tradisional dari solo adalah

tari serimpi sangupati, Bedhaya ketawang, gambyong, Bondan, Beksan wireng, dan tari dolalak

-dia berharap bisa mendapatkan bantuan

bahasa Inggris:

Good afternoon friends.

May I introduce myself. My name is Thomas Sheppard. Just call me Tommy. I was born in Finland, but my parents moved to the US when I was young,so I am American. I speak both English and Finnish. I came to Indonesia to learn about culture because I like dancing traditional dances. I dream of becoming a dancer professional someday. I live in Solo, a small town in the south of Yogya. I am happy to know all of you and hope to get help from you especially in Indonesian. thank you

Answer the questions based on the above passage!

-Who introduced himself?

-Where do his parents live?

-Does he speak Irish?

-What is he doing in Indonesia?

–Why does she like to dance traditional dances?

-6 State the traditional dances that originated from Solo?

-What does he expect from his new friends?

Complete this sentence using the appropriate pronouns (Subject pronoun, object pronoun, possessive adjective, or possessive pronoun}

-the one who introduced himself was Thomas Shepard

-where his parents live in the US

– he can speak Irish

-She went to Indonesia because she likes to dance traditional dances.

-because she dreams of becoming a professional dancer someday.

-6 traditional dances from solo are

serimpi sangupati dance, Bedhaya ketawang, gambyong, Bondan, Beksan wireng, and dolalak dance

-he hopes to get some help