Guys tolong buatin berita bahasa Inggris tentang “Corona Virus In Indonesia” dong, panjang teks nya min kalo dibaca dengan kecepatan normal bisa nyampe 2menitan lebih lah :)​

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Guys tolong buatin berita bahasa Inggris tentang “Corona Virus In Indonesia” dong, panjang teks nya min kalo dibaca dengan kecepatan normal bisa nyampe 2menitan lebih lah :)​

Story covid-19 (singkat by meshelf)

Indonesia infected by covid 19

Indonesia first confirmed cases of COVID-19 on Monday 2 March. At that time, President Joko Widodo announced that two Indonesians had tested positive for the Corona virus. The Corona virus originated in China, namely in Wuhan. This virus attacks the human respiratory system which causes people to fail to breathe until death, this virus can also spread through air, water and solid objects. This virus spread because many people didn't know it at that time, often had contact (shake hands, hug, etc.) with people who had just returned from work (as workers, became laborers, etc.) from China, whether it was family, friends, relatives, or others. other people.

To deal with this virus we are given regulations by the government in the form of: 5M, namely using masks if you want to go somewhere, washing hands, reducing mobility, maintaining distance, following health protocols dan government immediately close the places where covid 19 spreads such as schools, several offices, several public places (likes mini markets, super markets, etc.) so that the transmission of covid can decrease and for the education sector itself they do online or study from home by using communication technology and using google classroom as it is today.

So far the covid virus has many variants such as delta, lambda, india delta, etc. The government has tightened health protocols due to the increase in people who are positive for COVID-19, that's why the government has implemented a lock down whether it's micro, small, or mass. the government also formed a team, namely PPKM or we can say the Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities. the government is also trying to make a vaccine for covid 19 so far, it's just a test the vaccine with the positive COVID-19 virus.

I really hope that this virus passes quickly so that no one dies again, schools are opened, can meet with school friends until normal activities are again like before covid 19 that's all from my story I idaramaardama goodbye, thank you 🙂 stay safe!

kurang yakin? liat cerita karangan saya berupa gambar di bawah 😀

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