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Learning English can be challenging and frustrating. Not all words are spelt phonetically, for instance, which can be a sticking point, and let’s not even get started on the complexities of homophones. It’s not all straightforward, but during moments of self-doubt, it’s important to keep the importance of English language for students in mind.

English is the official language of 53 countries

Believe it or not, English is the official language of 53 countries including Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Kenya, Malawi, Singapore, South Africa and the UK, making it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. It is also spoken as a first language by approximately 400 million people across the globe, so by becoming fluent in English you’ll automatically be able to communicate with many more individuals than before which could open up a host of new friendships and relationships.

English is the global language of business

English has long been considered the global language of business with more and more multinational companies recruiting employees with a strong grasp of the English language. In fact, it has almost become mandatory for a candidate to speak English if they are to even consider interviewing for a global organisation, so it’s well-worth perfecting your skills in order to make yourself more employable. But why is a common language important?
Well, imagine if the top dogs of a global international organisation got together and none of them could speak the same language. It would be extremely difficult to get anything done which is why companies look for a universal form of communication, which happens to be English at present.

English is the language of the internet

As the world becomes increasingly digital, it’s important to note that the majority of content published online is in English. While language translation software is being improved at a rapid rate, you’ll find that computer updates, apps and the latest programs tend to be released in English before any other language. Similarly, manuals, instruction guides and technology-related leaflets also tend to be in English showing how essential this language skill is if you want to keep up with the fast-paced world of technology.

The media industry revolves around English

Many of the most popular movies in the world are in English meaning, if you can’t speak the language, you’ll have to rely on subtitles or awkward voice overs in order to understand what’s going on. There’s also a wealth of books, songs and TV shows in English that are highly entertaining and can be fully appreciated by those with a high level of English language proficiency. Learning English may seem like a chore at times, but with hard work and dedication you will soon be able to experience new and exciting things.

Learning English can help you work, live and study abroad

If you’re looking to live, work or study in an English-speaking country, you’ll most likely need to take an IELTS exam which will assess your proficiency in English. Achieving a high band score will allow you to pursue interesting study and career opportunities which could potentially be life changing.

What’s more, if you want to migrate to a different country such as Australia, Canada or the UK, you’ll need to be proficient in reading, writing, speaking and listening in order to obtain a visa, so it’s crucial to take your studies seriously. Indeed, the importance of English in education should never be played down, as learning a foreign tongue could lead to multiple opportunities.