H ave you ever seen or thought how much the price of freedom is? When a man is under political pressure, poor, illiterate, he will try to free himself from those things. Often the price is terribly expensive. Thousands of Vietnamese have left their country. En route to a new country, they bet their lives for freedom. Horror has usually become their most faithful company. Most willingly, the high sea welcomed them to her bed. Apart from this, pirates often attacked them. They killed the men and disturbed the women. Yet, that was not all. Those pirates still robbed those unfortunate refugees. When they left their country, didn’t those refugees consider these dangers? Once a male refugee told James Pringle, a Newsweek reporter, “We knew there would be pirates. But, communism is worse than pirates.” Another refugee said, “The women know what awaits them, but they know that is the price of freedom.” A similar tragedy also happened to hundreds or even thousands of Haitians under Claude Duvalier’s. In their own country, they suffered from political repression, poverty, diseases, and unemployment. Cutting sugar canes is a hard job. Employers often treat their employees badly. Yet, lots of Haitians still fight to get that kind of job. Why? They need jobs. Many others have left their country. They know that the price for it is very expensive. If they are caught or returned to their country, they will be sent to Fort Dimanche, a prison. Instructions: Read deeply to understand the story as well as the atmosphere. Compose your own words and prepare yourself to retell the passage above in your own version in front of the class. Relate the story in the passage with your daily life experiences, and then tell the class your current experiences.

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H ave you ever seen or thought how much the price of freedom is? When a man is under political pressure, poor, illiterate, he will try to free himself from those things. Often the price is terribly expensive. Thousands of Vietnamese have left their country. En route to a new country, they bet their lives for freedom. Horror has usually become their most faithful company. Most willingly, the high sea welcomed them to her bed. Apart from this, pirates often attacked them. They killed the men and disturbed the women. Yet, that was not all. Those pirates still robbed those unfortunate refugees. When they left their country, didn’t those refugees consider these dangers? Once a male refugee told James Pringle, a Newsweek reporter, “We knew there would be pirates. But, communism is worse than pirates.” Another refugee said, “The women know what awaits them, but they know that is the price of freedom.” A similar tragedy also happened to hundreds or even thousands of Haitians under Claude Duvalier’s. In their own country, they suffered from political repression, poverty, diseases, and unemployment. Cutting sugar canes is a hard job. Employers often treat their employees badly. Yet, lots of Haitians still fight to get that kind of job. Why? They need jobs. Many others have left their country. They know that the price for it is very expensive. If they are caught or returned to their country, they will be sent to Fort Dimanche, a prison. Instructions: Read deeply to understand the story as well as the atmosphere. Compose your own words and prepare yourself to retell the passage above in your own version in front of the class. Relate the story in the passage with your daily life experiences, and then tell the class your current experiences.

Dik, itu topiknya sangat menarik sekali
tentang perjuangan membebaskan diri dari tekanan politik, kebodohan, ketidakadilan dan seterusnya

bisa kita hubungkan dengan kejadian di Indonesia. Tentang perjuangan, keadilan, melawan rezim penguasa hari ini yang zalim

Kriminalisasi ulama, merajalelanya komunisme, hutang. Ketidakadilan ketanaga kerjaan dan seterusnya.

Pokoknya bahaslah #2019GantiPresiden
in english ofcourse