Hai teman-teman. Boleh minta bantuannya ?

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Tolong bantuannya untuk buatkan percakapan bahasa inggris tentang berlibur ke rumah nenek di pedesaan ya, tapi harus ada unsur kebahasan (i'm go to) atau boleh juga (would like to), boleh dipilih salah satu dari situ ya. Terima kasih sebelumnya teman-teman. Have a nice day :)​

Hai teman-teman. Boleh minta bantuannya ?

Contoh Percakapan Bahasa Inggris Tentang Liburan di Rumah Kakek

Fatmawati: Hi..Santi, what are you doing?

Susanti: I am making a plan for summer holiday.

Fatmawati: Wow? I hope you make a good plan for the holiday so you will always have activities on holiday.

Susanti: Absolutely. I always make a plan for my every holiday.

Fatmawati: Really? That would be very enjoyable. By the way, where did you go on your last holiday?

Susanti: I went to a very beautiful island. It’s located in the east Java. It was my wonderful holiday. How about you, Fat? What do you usually do on holiday?

Fatmawati: I usually go to my grandfather in the village in my every holiday. That’s all I do because my parents never ask me to have another plan.

Susanti: Sorry, are they very busy?

Fatmawati: They have no time for me. Usually, they are always busy doing their own jobs.

Susanti: How if you join with my family to spend your holiday together with us?

Fatmawati: I am afraid, my parents will not allow me.

Susanti: No problem, it’s okay Fat. I think, visiting your grandfather is one way to spend the holiday safety, moreover your parents believe that your grandparents will take care of you.

Fatmawati: It can be! Now, let’s go to canteen. I am very starving right now!

Susanti: Okay, let’s go!