Hans : Hello, Mega. Do you know the time we practice playing tak kadal

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Mega : Yes, I do. We play it after school time is over at a half past three.
Hans : Oh, I see. How long do we play it? Mega : We need an hour to play.
Hans : I think that's too long. How about playing only for thirty minutes?
Mega : Yeah, that's cool. We can finish the game at four o'clock in the afte lobang game in the school field today? noon.
Hans Okay. See you later.
Mega : See you.

1. who are the persons in the dialogve?
They are hans and mega

2. where do Hans and mega play tak kadal Iobong game? They play on the school field

3. when do they play tak kadal lobang game?They play after school

4. How long do they play tak kadal lobang gome? They play thirty minutes

5. when do they finish tak kadal lobang game?
They finish the game at gour o'clock

maaf tolong koreksi​

Hans : Hello, Mega. Do you know the time we practice playing tak kadal


2. Use at as conjunction.

4. They playe for thirty minutes.


1. siapa sajakah orang-orang dalam dialog tersebut?

Mereka adalah hans dan mega

2. dimana hans dan mega memainkan game tak kadal iobong? Mereka bermain di lapangan sekolah

3. 3. kapan mereka bermain game tak kadal lobang? Mereka bermain sepulang sekolah

4. How long do they play without game hole lizards? They play 30 minutes

Berapa lama mereka bermain tanpa kadal lubang? Mereka bermain 30 menit

.5. when do they finish no game hole lizards?

They finish the game at gour o'clock

.5. kapan mereka menyelesaikan no game hole lizards?

Mereka menyelesaikan permainan pada pukul empat