he said” you are lazy boy.you are son of a fish’samosir was sad and he went home.he told his mother about father’s words.samosir’s mother was shocked.suddenly the weather changed.the area was flooded.the whole area became a big lake.then it was called lake toba.in the middle of the lake thereis an island called samosir island.terjemahkan bahasa indonesia.​

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he said” you are lazy boy.you are son of a fish’samosir was sad and he went home.he told his mother about father’s words.samosir’s mother was shocked.suddenly the weather changed.the area was flooded.the whole area became a big lake.then it was called lake toba.in the middle of the lake thereis an island called samosir island.terjemahkan bahasa indonesia.​

Jawaban:dia bilang ''kamu anak pemalas.kamu anak ikan'samosir sedih dan dia pulang.dia memberi tahu ibunya tentang kata-kata ayah.ibu samosir kaget.tiba-tiba cuaca berubah.daerah itu banjir.seluruh daerah menjadi sebuah telaga besar.kemudian dinamakan telaga toba.di tengah telaga itu terdapat sebuah pulau yang disebut pulau samosir

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