Hello, can you help me? “answered with an explanation”Thanks You.​

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Hello, can you help me? “answered with an explanation”Thanks You.​


A. 32 cm

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:


L = 1.024 cm²


Dit :

s = …



 Luas : persegi :

L = s²

1.024 = s²

s = sqrt{1.024}

s = 32 cm (A)


 red { Semoga : membantu }

 hugegreen { themarblerace }


32 cm

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

the formula of luas persegi is L = s × s

we've known that the luas is 1024 cm²

we can find the length of the sisi by subtituting the luas in the formula

1024 = s×s

we can take the root of 1024 to find s

s = √1024

s = 32