Hello, my name is Santi Purbowo I

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Live in jL djuanda No. 24 bogor. I have a misa family erasy day my family has bo some daily activities. I usually us at five o'clock in the morning Then I help my mother in the Banking kitchen to Prepare our bras fast my mother is very diligent person she at walys Poevales. every the thing for us becore we leave home my mother usually goes to the market to buy some fruit and regatables at 8 o'clock in the morning after my brother and leave home my brother oes to SDN Pengadilan 3 Bogor y Public transportation. He loave or school at 230 and back me at a o'oclock in the the ter noon my father usually Es to the Office By train from or rallway Station to his office Sudirman, Jakarta. He usually ves at Home after working at 9 o'clock​

Hello, my name is Santi Purbowo I


what is the question dude?