Buatlah kartu undangan misalkan Anda adalah pimpinan OSIS yang ingin mengajak sekolah lain untuk mengikuti lomba bahasa Inggris di sekolah Anda ( tulis dalam bahasa Inggris)
Dear Kaira.
Please, come to singing class on saturday, April 2nd 2016 in our campus at 13.00 p.m. until 15.00 p.m. Please come on time, I will wait for you!
Maaf kalau salah 🙁
from: SMA
to: SMA Jaya Negara
hello student council from SMA Jaya Negara, we from SMA bata want invite your students to added at english languange competition.
Hope student council can invite students to take part in this competition.
semoga bermanfaat
(maaf gak jago bikin surat, nanti bisa di remake sendiri kalo mau)