Help me guys………

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Help me guys.........

Help me guys………

Task 1

(1) Works, (2) Spends, (3) Report , (4)answers  (5) Sends (6) Does (7) Starts (8) Finishes (9) Pays  (10) Gets

Task 2

1. Miss Rahma works in a furniture company

2. In front of a computer, of her room

3. Doing a lot of things such as writing letters, memos, and reports and answering the letter from retailers. She also answers and received phone calls and send invoices to customers. The other job she does is to arrange meetings for her boss and the other managers in the company.

4. Yes

5. Salary

Task 3

Read the following text carefully = baca teks berikut dengan seksama  

Hanya membaca, tidak ada pertanyaan

Task 4

1. d. Marisa and Deswita do in the bank