Helpp Yaaaaaaaa butuh skrgggg​

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Helpp Yaaaaaaaa butuh skrgggg​

Helpp Yaaaaaaaa butuh skrgggg​


– to give instruction

Mr. Zacky: Good morning ny students!

The students: good morning sir!

Mr. Zacky: do you know what are we going to study now?

The students: not yet, sir

Mr. Zacky: well, today we will learn how to operate about photoshop progam. first, turn on your computer.

The students: yes sir

Mr. Zacky: next, click the photoshop icon located at the corner of your dekstop

The Students: Yes sir

-to ask for permission

Toni: Hi sam, do you mind if i use your handphone for a moment? my phone is off, and i need to call mu brother.

Rio: Sure, i don't mind. here is my phone

Toni: thanks a lot Rio

Rio: don't mention itu

-to invite someone

Ria: Hi lia, where are you going?

Lia: i'm going to the market.

ria: would you like to come to my wedding next week?

lia: sure, why not?

ria: thankyou

lia: you're welcome

semoga membantu maaf kalo salah