How come the theory can say if that theory is suitable of the object of analysis?

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How come the theory can say if that theory is suitable of the object of analysis?

Furthermore, according to the theoretical focus (Moleong, 2002), namely the theory of substantive and formal theory. (Gleser and Strauss in Maleong, 2002: 37-38) argues substantive theory is a theory that was developed for the purposes of substantive or empirical in ingkuiri in a science, Mass anthropology, sociology, and psychology. While the formal theory is a theory for formal purposes or conceptually arranged in a science field ingkuiri, for example sociology, for example, aggressive behavior, formal organization, socialization. All are scientific research, therefore all should be armed with the theory researchers. In a study of the theory that are used must be clear because the function theory in a study by (Sugiyono, 2012: 57) are as follows:a. The theory is used to clarify and sharpen the scope, or construct variables to be studied.b. To formulate hypotheses and develop research instrumentsc. Predicting and help find facts about things to be studied.d. In summary, according to Borg and Gall (1989: 114-119), and Latif (2012: 43-50) in the Website Prof. Dr Mudjia Raharjo, M.Si explain at least six (6) reasons why the study of literature / theory should be done, as the following description: Very useful to sharpen the proposed formulation of research problems, so it is probable that the formulation of the problem that has been made to change after reading the research literature as already have an insight into the themes studied more widely than ever before. Thus, the formulation of the problem, especially in qualitative research, is tentative. Not a few studies have failed because of problems studied were too broad. Formulation of the problem specific and small in scope is much better than the broad and general. Generally, the formulation of the problem is not clear result in the data obtained is not clear, so that among the issues to be addressed and there is no data connection. Ends conclusions do not depart from the data, but personal opinion researchers. This certainly can not be justified. It can thus be avoided through literature review seriously.
 e. Literature review not only to learn what others have done, but also to see what is missing and has not been studied by researchers sebelumnya.Untuk see that the research approach that we did sterile than other approaches. Because, in general literature review would lead researchers mimic the approaches that have been used someone else, so it does not produce significant findings. Tries new approach - though perhaps one - better than repeating the same thing over and over again even if true. Repetition is not enough just shows researchers perform adequately reading literature. Methodological errors will be followed and corrected by further research, leading to science develops. Therefore, the science is not something that is a disgrace error. Thus the process by Polanyi called falsification.f. Acquiring knowledge (insights) Of the method, size, subject, and the approach of others and can be used to improve the design of the research that we do. The design of the study, all the more for qualitative research, is not something that is completely finished, but continued to be improved in order to obtain the proper method to obtain the data and analyze it. Reality in the field of qualitative research found racangan uniform from one research project to another. In fact, although departing from the same paradigm of qualitative research design may vary from study to another, because qualitative research departs from the case or particular phenomenon.g. Through literature review, can be obtained knowledge in the form of recommendations or suggestions for further research. This is very important information as a recommendation or suggestion is a summary of the opinion of the researcher after doing research. After research, we are also expected to provide recommendations or suggestions for further research, as we have taken advantage of previous researchers. Therefore, recommendation or suggestion is good not just any advice, but specific proposals could be studied.
 To know anyone who has examined the same field with which we will do. People who had already examined could be friends discussions on the theme that we do, including discussing matters into shortcomings of research, so that we can improve, because he has gained experience in advance. Therefore, to be able to make a good theoretical basis should know a lot about the methodology. Do not expect to understand the theoretical basis, let alone to make a theoretical basis or framework of good research, if it does not know about the methodology.