How do people access the Internet?

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People can access the Internet by wireless means (Wi-Fi) via a laptop, a smartphone, a games console, or a tablet.There are wireless access points in public places such as airports, libraries and most hotels. Nowadays, almost every school in developed countries provides students with access to the Internet. People can also connect to the Internet by satelite and broadband, which is a form of Internet access that uses the DSL local telephone networks, T-1 coaxial cables or fiber optics that can be leased from ISPs. It can carry multiple signals and traffic types.

What type of Internet connection is best for business?
The best type of Internet connection for a business is a T-1 or a T-3 line which provides a fast service and transmits 1.544 megabytes per second.Business using a T-1 line with more than 8 phone lines can reduce telecom charges and are provided with high-speed Internet access at the same time. The business is charged with one T-1 line instead of the 8 phone lines, thus saving the company money. T-3 lines are even more popular with larger business as they are equal to having 28 T-1 lines and can transfer up to 44.736 megabytes per second.
An ISP (Internet Service Provider) is a company that provides individuals and other companies access to the Internet and other related services such as Web site building and virtual hosting.

An ISP has the equipment and the telecommunication line access required to have a point-of-presence on the Internet for the geographic area served.
The larger ISPs have their own high-speed leased lines so that they are less dependent on the telecommunication providers and can provide better service to their customers.
Among the largest national and regional ISPs are AT&T WorldNet, IBM Global Network, MCI, Netcom, UUNet and PSINet. (posted by Margaret Rouse on SearchWinDevelopment)

Dear Mindeye Customer,

Last week, Websurf Internet purchased Mindeye communcations. Starting next month we will be your ISP. This new relationship has many benefits. First, you receive a free download of our exclusive VirusWatch 9.0 antivirus software to protect your computer. We're also buliding all new T-3 lines to accommodate the new customers. This means greater bandwidth for broadband and T-1 users.

Unfortunately, we're discontinuing dial-up service. But we are upgrading to DSL. Turn in your old modem to us to receive a new DSL modem free of charge.
You also receive our award-winning technical support. We'll help you set up your wireless router to bring Wi-Fi to your household. We can even help recover your password if you forget. You'll also have access to WebSurf hotspots. You can find them at selected airports, restaurants and coffee shops. All you need is a valid WebSurf account. We look forward to providing you with the world's best Internet service.


1. What is the company building to accommodate new customers?

2. Where can Websurf hotspots be found?

3. What does ISP stand for?

pleass bantu mau disetor sekarang.​​

How do people access the Internet?


1.DSL modem

2.selected airport,restaurant and

coffee shop.

3.ISP stand for Internet Service provider