I have a pet at home. It is a rooster. Its name Jago. I put it in a cage at the back yard of my house. Jago is my beloved pet.

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Jago's head is just like other rosters head. It has a comb. Its colour is red. My Jago also has a big beak. Jago has a big body. Its body is covered with the black feather. Its tail is short but very thick. It has so sharp claws than it looks so strong.
Jago always crows every morning. Its crow is so loud that all people wake up because of the crow. It eats three times a day. It likes eating corn in the morning.
It eats rice in the afternoon. It usually eats bran in the evening. After eating,it likes lying on the ground. It doesn't like if people disturb it. It will strike every creature which disturbs it. It often walks around the back yard if I don't put in the cage. It never goes far from my house.

1. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?
2.What does the second paragraph tell us about?
3.What is the main idea of paragraph three?​

I have a pet at home. It is a rooster. Its name Jago. I put it in a cage at the back yard of my house. Jago is my beloved pet.

I have a pet at home. It is a rooster. Its name Jago. I put it in a cage at the back yard of my house. Jago is my beloved pet.

Jago's head is just like other rosters head. It has a comb. Its colour is red. My Jago also has a big beak. Jago has a big body. Its body is covered with the black feather. Its tail is short but very thick. It has so sharp claws than it looks so strong.

Jago always crows every morning. Its crow is so loud that all people wake up because of the crow. It eats three times a day. It likes eating corn in the morning.

It eats rice in the afternoon. It usually eats bran in the evening. After eating,it likes lying on the ground. It doesn't like if people disturb it. It will strike every creature which disturbs it. It often walks around the back yard if I don't put in the cage. It never goes far from my house.

Translation Into Indonesian:

Saya punya hewan peliharaan di rumah. Itu adalah ayam jantan. Namanya Jago. Saya taruh di kandang di halaman belakang rumah saya. Jago adalah hewan kesayanganku.

Kepala Jago sama seperti kepala daftar nama lainnya. Ia memiliki sisir. Warnanya merah. Jago saya juga memiliki paruh yang besar. Jago memiliki tubuh yang besar. Tubuhnya ditutupi bulu hitam. Ekornya pendek tapi sangat tebal. Ia memiliki cakar yang sangat tajam sehingga terlihat begitu kuat.

Jago selalu berkokok setiap pagi. Burung gagaknya sangat keras sehingga semua orang terbangun karena burung gagak tersebut. Itu makan tiga kali sehari. Ia suka makan jagung di pagi hari.

Ia makan nasi di sore hari. Biasanya makan dedak di malam hari. Setelah makan, ia suka berbaring di tanah. Tidak suka jika orang mengganggunya. Ia akan menyerang setiap makhluk yang mengganggunya. Seringkali berjalan-jalan di halaman belakang jika tidak dimasukkan ke dalam kandang. Itu tidak pernah pergi jauh dari rumah saya.

Question (Pertanyaan):

1. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

(Apa ide pokok / gagasan utama dari paragraf pertama?)

Answer (Jawaban):

I have a pet at home. (Saya punya hewan peliharaan di rumah.)


2.What does the second paragraph tell us about?

(Apa yang diberitahukan paragraf kedua kepada kita?)


About Jago's physical appearance. (Tentang penampilan fisik Jago)


3.What is the main idea of paragraph three?​

(Apa ide pokok / gagasan utama dari paragraf tiga?)


Jago always crows every morning. (Jago selalu berkokok setiap pagi.)


Explanation (Penjelasan):

Main idea (ide pokok) atau gagasan utama merupakan suatu gagasan yang menjadi inti dari suatu paragraf.