I have had seven graduations for myself, not to talk of those I have attended when others were graduating. Of course, as a teacher, I have attended graduation exercises more than I can count. Sometimes in a year, I attend up to five graduation exercises. The seven timesI graduated from various levels of my educational career, I was so excited. After some years of hard work, it was always a good feeling to get the job done and be recognized. When I got my PhD, I promised not to go to school again. At both my graduations and the others that I have attended, the feelings of the graduates were the same, a feeling of a job well.done.

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1. What do you know about the writer?
2. "At both my graduations and the others that have attended, the feelings of the graduates were the same, a feeling of a job well done." What does this sentence mean?

bantu jawab kak
kalo bisa beserta alasannya karena ntar ditanya knp kamu bisa jawab kayak gitu​

I have had seven graduations for myself, not to talk of those I have attended when others were graduating. Of course, as a teacher, I have attended graduation exercises more than I can count. Sometimes in a year, I attend up to five graduation exercises. The seven timesI graduated from various levels of my educational career, I was so excited. After some years of hard work, it was always a good feeling to get the job done and be recognized. When I got my PhD, I promised not to go to school again. At both my graduations and the others that I have attended, the feelings of the graduates were the same, a feeling of a job well.done.

I have had seven graduations for myself, not to talk of those I have attended when others were graduating. Of course, as a teacher, I have attended graduation exercises more than I can count. Sometimes in a year, I attend up to five graduation exercises. The seven timesI graduated from various levels of my educational career, I was so excited. After some years of hard work, it was always a good feeling to get the job done and be recognized. When I got my PhD, I promised not to go to school again. At both my graduations and the others that I have attended, the feelings of the graduates were the same, a feeling of a job well.done.


Saya telah memiliki tujuh kelulusan untuk diri saya sendiri, belum lagi yang saya hadiri ketika orang lain lulus. Tentu saja, sebagai seorang guru, saya telah menghadiri latihan kelulusan lebih dari yang dapat saya hitung. Terkadang dalam setahun, saya menghadiri hingga lima latihan kelulusan. Tujuh kali saya lulus dari berbagai jenjang karir pendidikan saya, saya sangat bersemangat. Setelah beberapa tahun bekerja keras, rasanya selalu menyenangkan untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan dan diakui. Ketika saya mendapatkan gelar PhD saya, saya berjanji untuk tidak pergi ke sekolah lagi. Baik di wisuda saya maupun wisuda lainnya yang saya hadiri, perasaan para wisudawan sama, perasaan menyelesaikan pekerjaan dengan baik.

1. Apa yang kamu ketahui tentang penulis?

2. "Baik di wisuda saya maupun yang lainnya yang pernah hadir, perasaan para wisudawan itu sama, perasaan menyelesaikan pekerjaan dengan baik." Apa arti kalimat ini?