I love my cat, Manis. It makes me happy. When I tickle it, it rolls around and taps it paws on my hand. I like the feeling. It has three colors, white,yellow and black. It often lies on my feet when I study or watch TV.Occasionally, it sleeps on my bed with me, on my feet.it feel warm. 11. What is the social function of the text .​

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I love my cat, Manis. It makes me happy. When I tickle it, it rolls around and taps it paws on my hand. I like the feeling. It has three colors, white,yellow and black. It often lies on my feet when I study or watch TV.Occasionally, it sleeps on my bed with me, on my feet.it feel warm. 11. What is the social function of the text .​


to describe an animal


Jenis teks: descriptive text

dimana dalam teksnya menggambarkan atau mendeskripsikan sesuatu,orang ,tempat maupun hewan


Aku mencintai kucingku, Manis. Itu membuatku bahagia. Ketika aku gelitik itu, menggelinding di sekitar dan menepuk tanganku. Aku suka perasaan itu. Memiliki tiga warna, putih, kuning dan hitam. Sering kali, saya harus menjejakkan kaki sewaktu belajar atau menonton TV. Kadang-kadang, ia tidur di tempat tidur saya dengan saya, pada kaki saya. Terasa hangat.