I was on the train the other day, travelling from Jakarta to Surabaya. I was sitting in a half-full compartment, and wanted to read the last chapter of Agatha Christie’s “The Orient Express”. Suddenly, a woman with a baby and two noisy children came in and said, “Excuse me. Is this seat taken?”. “No”, I answered briefly. Usually I like to talk with people, but not this time. I wanted to finish reading the book and find out who the murderer was. “May we join you?” said the woman. At first I wanted to say, “Well, actually, I’m reading a very exciting book and P’d like to finish it. Could you possibly find another compartment?”. But of course, I smiled a charming smile and said, “Yes, certainly.”I still have not finished the last chapter and still don’t know who the murderer was. You see, I am unfortunately one of those people who find it difficult to say “No” to expressions like “May I.”, or “Is it alright if I ..”. People usually ask permission to do quite harmless things like use the telephone, turn the light on, open the window and things like that. Some people even ask permission to wash their hands, but there are other people who don’t brother to ask permission at all. They say, “Can I use your phone? I want to call a friend” and pick up the receiver before I can say a word. Or, they say “I’ll see you at three tomorrow. OK?”, and then walk away. Or, when you are in hurry, they just insist, saying “Can I talk to you for a few minutes?” The trouble is that when I hear those magie words, I just don’t have the courage to refuse. Well, what de you say to those difficult requests?

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1. Find three examples of harmless requests b. difficult request 2. Was the author in an empty compartment? a. 3. What happened on the train? 4. What things do you have to ask permission for? 5. What does the word "I" in the text refer to? 6. What happened to the writer when he wanted to read the last chapter of Agatha Cristie's? 7. What did the writer want to find out in the book? 8. Find out and write some expressions of asking for permission in the text. 9. What kind of text is it? Biography or alto biography? 10. What does the word "we" in the text refers to?

I was on the train the other day, travelling from Jakarta to Surabaya. I was sitting in a half-full compartment, and wanted to read the last chapter of Agatha Christie’s “The Orient Express”. Suddenly, a woman with a baby and two noisy children came in and said, “Excuse me. Is this seat taken?”. “No”, I answered briefly. Usually I like to talk with people, but not this time. I wanted to finish reading the book and find out who the murderer was. “May we join you?” said the woman. At first I wanted to say, “Well, actually, I’m reading a very exciting book and P’d like to finish it. Could you possibly find another compartment?”. But of course, I smiled a charming smile and said, “Yes, certainly.”I still have not finished the last chapter and still don’t know who the murderer was. You see, I am unfortunately one of those people who find it difficult to say “No” to expressions like “May I.”, or “Is it alright if I ..”. People usually ask permission to do quite harmless things like use the telephone, turn the light on, open the window and things like that. Some people even ask permission to wash their hands, but there are other people who don’t brother to ask permission at all. They say, “Can I use your phone? I want to call a friend” and pick up the receiver before I can say a word. Or, they say “I’ll see you at three tomorrow. OK?”, and then walk away. Or, when you are in hurry, they just insist, saying “Can I talk to you for a few minutes?” The trouble is that when I hear those magie words, I just don’t have the courage to refuse. Well, what de you say to those difficult requests?

Suatu hari saya berada di kereta api, perjalanan dari Jakarta ke Surabaya. Saya sedang duduk di kompartemen setengah penuh, dan ingin membaca bab terakhir dari "The Orient Express" karya Agatha Christie. Tiba-tiba, seorang wanita dengan bayi dan dua anak yang berisik masuk dan berkata, "Permisi. Apakah kursi ini sudah diambil?". “Tidak”, jawabku singkat. Biasanya saya suka berbicara dengan orang, tetapi tidak kali ini. Saya ingin menyelesaikan membaca buku dan mencari tahu siapa pembunuhnya. "Bolehkah kami bergabung denganmu?" kata wanita itu. Awalnya saya ingin mengatakan, "Sebenarnya, saya sedang membaca buku yang sangat menarik dan P ingin menyelesaikannya. Bisakah Anda menemukan kompartemen lain?". Tapi tentu saja, saya tersenyum menawan dan berkata, "Ya, tentu saja." Saya masih belum menyelesaikan bab terakhir dan masih tidak tahu siapa pembunuhnya. Soalnya, sayangnya saya salah satu dari orang-orang yang merasa sulit untuk mengatakan "Tidak" untuk ekspresi seperti "Bolehkah saya.", atau "Apakah tidak apa-apa jika saya ..". Orang biasanya meminta izin untuk melakukan hal-hal yang tidak berbahaya seperti menggunakan telepon, menyalakan lampu, membuka jendela dan hal-hal semacam itu. Beberapa orang bahkan meminta izin untuk mencuci tangan, tetapi ada orang lain yang tidak meminta izin sama sekali. Mereka berkata, "Bolehkah saya menggunakan telepon Anda? Saya ingin menelepon seorang teman" dan mengangkat gagang telepon sebelum saya dapat mengucapkan sepatah kata pun. Atau, mereka berkata, "Sampai jumpa jam tiga besok. Oke?", lalu pergi. Atau, ketika Anda sedang terburu-buru, mereka hanya bersikeras, mengatakan "Bisakah saya berbicara dengan Anda selama beberapa menit?" Masalahnya adalah ketika saya mendengar kata-kata ajaib itu, saya tidak memiliki keberanian untuk menolak. Nah, apa yang Anda katakan untuk permintaan yang sulit itu?


1. Temukan tiga contoh permintaan yang tidak berbahaya b. permintaan sulit 2. Apakah penulis berada di kompartemen kosong? Sebuah. 3. Apa yang terjadi di kereta? 4. Untuk hal apa Anda harus meminta izin? 5. Apa yang dimaksud dengan kata "saya" dalam teks? 6. Apa yang terjadi pada penulis ketika dia ingin membaca bab terakhir dari Agatha Cristie? 7. Apa yang ingin penulis temukan dalam buku tersebut? 8. Cari tahu dan tuliskan beberapa ungkapan meminta izin dalam teks. 9. Apa jenis teks itu? Biografi atau biografi alto? 10. Apa yang dimaksud dengan kata "kami" dalam teks?