If ellis works harder, she … a promotion sooner. A. Will get. B. Would get. C. Would have got. D. Will be getting. E. Will have got

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If ellis works harder, she … a promotion sooner. A. Will get. B. Would get. C. Would have got. D. Will be getting. E. Will have got

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi


A. Will get


If ellis works harder, she WILL GET a promotion sooner.

Structure Kalimatnya:

  • If => Conditional Sentence
  • Subject => Ellis
  • Verb + S => works
  • Complement => harder

Berdasarkan Structure di atas

  • maka kalimat conditional type pertama
  • karena menggunakan Verb 1 atau Present Tense.

Rumus Conditional Sentence Type 1

  • If + Subject + verb-1, Subject + will + Verb-1
  • If ellis works harder, she WILL GET a promotion sooner.

=== Semoga Membantu ===

Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

Materi: Conditional Sentence

Level: JHS-SHS

Kode Mapel: 5

Kode Kategorisasi: 10.5

Kata Kunci: Conditional type 1