II. A. Rewrite the sentences in Active voice.

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6. The ring was founded by intan and santi.
7. Football is played by the boy.
8. The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.
9. The exercise is completed by the teacher.
10. The book will be bought by the student
B. Rewrite the sentences in Active voice.
11. I am going to study Arabic next week
12. They play football everyweek
13. Alexander Graham Bell invented telephone
14. The teacher teaches English everyday
15. We should visit our gandma once a month​

II. A. Rewrite the sentences in Active voice.

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi


6. Intan and Santi found the ring.

7. The boy plays football.

8. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.

9. The teacher completes the exercise.

10. The student will buy the book.


B. Rewrite the sentences in Active voice.

11. Arabic is going to be studied by me next week.

12. Football is played by them every week.

13. Telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.

14. English is taught by the teacher everyday.

15. Our grandma should be visited by us once a month.

Pelajari lebih lanjut mengenai passive voice pada brainly.co.id/tugas/38004232
