II. Change these sentence into past or present form.

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11. I go to school in the morning.
12. Edo comes to school on time.
13. We are very happy this evening.
14. Does your father work in the office?
15. Dayu and Siti are not at home this afternoon.​

II. Change these sentence into past or present form.


II Change this sentence into the past or present form.

11. Yesterday, I went to school in the morning.

12. Now, Edo comes to school on time.

13. Last night we were very happy

14. Does your father now work in an office?

15. yesterday afternoon Dayu and Siti were not at home


II Ubah kalimat ini menjadi bentuk dulu atau sekarang.

11. Kemarin, saya pergi ke sekolah di pagi hari.

12. Sekarang, Edo datang ke sekolah tepat waktu.

13. Tadi malam kami sangat senang

14. Apakah ayahmu sekarang bekerja di kantor?

15. kemarin sore Dayu dan Siti tidak di rumah

semoga membantu