II. Complete each sentence with an adjective. Add any necessary word (s).

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1. His grandfather is (old) … man in Indonesia.
2. Jakarta is (busy) … Solo.
3. A giraffe has (long) … neck.
4. This test is not (difficult) … as the previous one.
5. If the weather (nice) … , we will go on a picnic.
6. The man on the left looks (humble) … the other one.
7. He has (many) … bags than I.
8. Nancy has (little) … money among her friends.
9. This is (good) … hotel of all.
10. That is (bad) … movie that I have seen

II. Complete each sentence with an adjective. Add any necessary word (s).


1 tua

2 sibuk

3 panjang

4 susah

5 bagus

6 merendahkan

7 banyak

8 sedikit

9 baik

10 buruk