III. Use the suitable degree of comparison for the words in the brackets. 1. The neighbor’s grass is (green) than ours. 2. Ahmad’s car is (reliable) than Anton’s car. 3. My watch has (price) as his watch 4. Crystal Palace was (extraordinary) one in the 19th century 5. Agus gets (salary) as me 6. His father’s hair is (grey) than my father’s. 7. Of the three cats, the black one is (naughty) 8. Nisa performed (well) this semester than last one 9. Rita studies (seriously) than her little brother 10. He speaks English (fluently) as native speaker 11. She earned (much) money in April than in May. 12. Sari bought (prestigious) bag than Rina. 13. Principle survival of (fit) happens in day to day life. 14. My team got (little) medal in that competition 15. What is (popular) sport in your hometown?

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III. Use the suitable degree of comparison for the words in the brackets. 1. The neighbor’s grass is (green) than ours. 2. Ahmad’s car is (reliable) than Anton’s car. 3. My watch has (price) as his watch 4. Crystal Palace was (extraordinary) one in the 19th century 5. Agus gets (salary) as me 6. His father’s hair is (grey) than my father’s. 7. Of the three cats, the black one is (naughty) 8. Nisa performed (well) this semester than last one 9. Rita studies (seriously) than her little brother 10. He speaks English (fluently) as native speaker 11. She earned (much) money in April than in May. 12. Sari bought (prestigious) bag than Rina. 13. Principle survival of (fit) happens in day to day life. 14. My team got (little) medal in that competition 15. What is (popular) sport in your hometown?

Jawaban Terkonfirmasi

Berikut adalah jawaban untuk didalam kurung menggunakan comparative

  1. Greener
  2. More reliable
  3. Pricier
  4. More extraordinary
  5. More salary
  6. Greyer
  7. More naughty
  8. Better
  9. More seriously
  10. As Fluently as
  11. More
  12. More prestigious
  13. Fitter
  14. Less
  15. More popular


Comparative biasanya digunakan untuk membandingkan antara dua benda. Sedangkan superlative berbeda dengan comparative karena superlative membandingkan antara satu benda dari banyak benda. Comparative digunakan saat membandingkan dua benda, ada dua cara dalam membandingkan dua benda yaitu menggunakan -er dan more. penggunaan -er biasanya ketika ada 1-2 syllable sehingga akhirnya ditambahkan dengan -er. Jika lebih dari tiga syllable menggunakan more ditambah dengan kalimat yang ada.

Sedangkan superlative  digunakan untuk membandingkan satu benda dengan banyak benda. Caranya dengan menambahkan imbuhan -est dan juga most. Penggunaan -est digunakan ketika kata dengan satu suku kata. Dan untuk most digunakan untuk lebih dari satu suku kata.

Pelajari Lebih lanjut

Pelajari materi tentang comparative dan superlative brainly.co.id/tugas/3245894
